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AEO design and implementation support for Paraguay

22 十二月 2015

23-27 November 2015

Implementation of the AEO programme in Paraguay is a priority as it is aligned with their Institutional Strategic Plan for the period 2014 - 2018. Therefore at the request of Ms. Nelson Valiente, Director of the National Customs Service of Paraguay, the WCO conducted a capacity building mission to support the implementation of their Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programme. The mission was funded by CCF Korea and the facilitation team included an accredited expert from the Costa Rica Spanish Customs Administration that was jointly funded by the US Department of Commerce and the WCO Eurocustoms Fund.

The workshop was delivered in an interactive format that enabled participants to identify possible gaps between the SAFE AEO provisions and their own national legislation. Based on the findings, recommendations were formulated to further improve the implementation of AEO requirements, provide benefits, conduct audits and establish a post authorization process to include the monitoring and renewal of AEO status awarded, and other legal considerations like suspension and revocation of AEO status, and the right of appeal for AEO applications.

During the mission, the WCO team also held a series of meetings that included the private sector and customs officers within the Administration in order to raise awareness of the benefits of the program from both perspectives.

Finally, the meeting with the Paraguayan senior government officials that included the Chief of Staff from the Presidency and the Director General of Customs demonstrated clear commitment to support the design and implementation of an Authorized Economic Operator programme in Paraguay.

Support and follow up action from the WCO will be given according to the action plan developed by them to implement the AEO programme.
