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Pioneering WCO Revenue Package workshop takes place in Shanghai, China

12 六月 2015

From 1 to 5 June 2015, the WCO facilitated a workshop for the Asia Pacific Region at the Shanghai Customs College, China. The workshop, funded by the WCO Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) China and jointly organized by China Customs, the ROCB for the Asia Pacific Region and the WCO as part of the work being conducted under the WCO’s Revenue Package Phase II Action Plan, was designed to develop a group of facilitators who would be equipped to conduct diagnostic missions on the topics of valuation, classification and origin. 20 Customs officials from 14 WCO Members of the Asia Pacific Region, selected on the basis of their existing technical skills, took part in role-play sessions, technical discussions and were introduced to the wide range of new tools launched under Phase II of the WCO’s Revenue Package programme.

At the end of the event, a number of the participants were identified as having the necessary skills and abilities to conduct diagnostic missions on behalf of the WCO on the core topics of valuation, classification and origin. These experts could support the WCO respond to Members needs for technical assistance and capacity building in these areas.

The Revenue Package has been developed to assist WCO Members in the identification and collection of the revenue due on imported goods. The new Phase II materials which consist of diagnostic tools, guides and case studies on a range of issues are available to Members via this link:

