Valuation workshop for Georgia Revenue Service

18 εδΈ€ζœˆ 2015

The WCO conducted a valuation workshop for Georgia Revenue Service (GRS) from 9 to 13 November 2015. 20 participants from Customs control, risk management and post-clearance audit took part in the programme which included sessions on advanced valuation technical issues, such as royalties and licence fees, risk analysis techniques (including the use of a valuation database as a risk assessment tool), advance rulngs and the WCO’s Revenue Package programme.

At the initiative of GRS, a representative from the GRS tax audit department was invited to participate in a half-day session devoted to the relationship between transfer pricing and Customs valuation. The facilitators highlighted the new WCO Guide to Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing (available here) which provides detailed technical information on the two topics and recommends that Customs and tax administrations cooperate more closely in this area.

The workshop was kindly funded by the German Customs Cooperation Fund.