WCO support related to TFA implementation in Qatar

03 εδΈ€ζœˆ 2015

Doha, 26-29 October 2015

As part of continued WCO Mercator Programme support regarding the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, the WCO held a national workshop on the topic in Qatar from 26th to 29th October 2015. The workshop was initiated by Qatar Customs and considered to further enhance the Trade Facilitation-related part of the already existing Qatar Customs Strategic Plan in line with the "Qatar 2030 vision for greater sustainability". The workshop was facilitated by two colleagues from the WCO Secretariat and the UK.

The workshop was attended by 22 senior managers from Qatar Customs from land and port offices, Customs legal and policy division and other areas of responsibility. Participants showed a high level of participation and interest, and benefitted from presentations and work on several TFA-related topics, including the current status of TFA implementation in Qatar and next steps, among others related to Time Release Study, Co-ordinated Border Management, Single Window, Advance Rulings, Authorized Economic Operator, Risk Management, and Qatar Customs’ implementation of the WCO Revised Kyoto Convention.

Qatar Customs has made significant progress overall in the area of trade facilitation as a very active WCO Member having been the recipient of a series of Customs modernisation related events so far this year - in addition to playing a pivotal regional role focusing on both bi-lateral and multi-lateral Customs agreements.

Participants thanked the WCO experts for having conducted the workshop and shared very positive feedback on the envisaged next steps. In turn the WCO experts expressed their gratitude for the hospitality, excellent facilities and translation support. The WCO, Qatar Customs and their stakeholders will continue their cooperation towards enhanced trade facilitation.