Malawi - National Workshop on Coordinated Border Management, Single Window & WCO Data Model

01 九月 2015

The journey towards border modernization through increased use of Information & Communications Technology continues among WCO member administrations. As part of the Finnish-Funded East & Southern Africa (ESA) Capacity Building Project, the WCO conducted a 5-day National Workshop on Coordinated Border Management, Single Window & the WCO Data Model in Lilongwe, Malawi, on 17-21 August 2015.

Ms. Eleanor Chirwa, Acting Commissioner of Customs & Excise in the Malawi Revenue Authority officiated the opening of the workshop, noting the importance of Single Window to Malawi’s modernization program, and expressed appreciation for the support of the World Customs Organization and the Government of Finland in making this workshop possible.

The workshop brought together stakeholders from the Malawi Revenue Authority, partner government agencies, and the private sector. During the five days of the workshop, participants acquired a stronger understanding of the importance of Coordinated Border Management as the foundation for a single window as well as of different important factors in the development of a National Single Window Environment, including functional assessment, business process analysis, legal analysis and data harmonization.

The Workshop also provided participants with an opportunity to establish networks with their stakeholders, and to engage in discussions on how they could work together to achieve effective coordination in border processes, undertake harmonization in processes and data requirements, as well as secure trade through risk management and coordinated decision making through a Single Window Environment.

In closing remarks, Mr. Kenneth Matupa, Deputy Commissioner of Customs & Excise in the Malawi Revenue Authority, expressed his appreciation for the intense instructions and discussions over the entire course of the workshop, and the need for continued efforts by all stakeholders moving forward, so that Single Window can become a reality for Malawi.