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The WCO works in partnership with Timor-Leste Customs to support the design and delivery of training and to further build their intelligence and risk management capabilities

17 二月 2016

The WCO continues to provide capacity building support to Timor-Leste Customs Service (TLCS) to assist them with the design and implementation of a Valuation training programme and to develop their capacities in the areas of Risk Management and Intelligence. The latest capacity building mission took place from 3-10th February and was supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under the project "Customs Capacity Building for WCO Members 2012-2017." The WCO NORAD project aims at delivering technical assistance to seven countries: Timor Leste, Liberia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Tanzania and Vietnam.

The WCO worked in partnership with representatives from TLCS to finalise a Valuation training module and to assist them with the preperation of a training delivery programme. Capacity building support was also provided to the Training & Development Unit. A workshop was held with representatives from the Risk Management Unit to further develop their capabilities in the preperation of risk profiles. The workshop also introduced participants to the "Intelligence Cycle" and the benefits of adopting a systematic approach to information gathering, analysis and dissemination. The work on Risk Management is being taken forward in partnership with colleagues from the World Bank. All of the work sessions were highly interactive and provided an excellent opportunity to share international best practice.

For more information on the project for Customs Capacity Building for WCO Members 2012-17 please contact the Project Manager, Mr. Philip Wood Philip.Wood@wcoomd.org
