Comprehensive Modernization in Oman

27 一月 2016

The Directorate General of Customs, Royal Oman Police have embarked on a modernization program.

Under the patronage and guidance of His Excellency Lt General Hassan Bin Muhsin Al-Shuraiqi, Inspector General of Police and Customs, the Directorate General of Customs in the Sultanate of Oman is part-way through a modernization process. The WCO Secretary General recognised the Inspector General for his contribution to the working relationship between Police and Customs, and his support for Oman Customs Modernization and implementation of digital systems for Customs processing and joint Border Management by Police and Customs.

The internally funded program includes strengthening of Oman Customs capabilities through a comprehensive program, addressing staffing, training, equipment and IT support for Customs. To date notable achievements include:

  • Formal adoption of the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) on customs processes and procedures and the HS Code Convention,
  • Significant increase in manpower to meet the demands of traveller and trade volumes, in the last five years Customs have grown from 750 staff to more than 2000,
  • Establishment of a Customs training facility, to provide comprehensive professional and vocational training for all staff,
  • Employment of expatriate customs advisors, to design and implement improved Customs processes and procedures, and
  • Introduction of electronic reporting for import and export management, through the Bayan Single Electronic Window system, which continues with the addition of functionalities, other Government Ministries and border locations.

Over the coming years Oman customs will be at the forefront of a number of projects aimed at improving Oman’s position as a trading nation and to strengthen border capabilities. The Directorate General of Customs is leading a border technology refresh. This project will replace older examination equipment with state of the art technology providing improved capability for border management agencies. This will improve passenger, vehicle and cargo throughput, while enhancing potential enforcement outcomes.

An Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program is being designed and will be implemented in the near future. This program is being designed from WCO standards and will offer accredited parties simplified clearance.

Customs processes and procedures are under continual review, with the aim of simplifying compliance, while maintaining control. The RKC, the SAFE Framework of Standards and other WCO guidelines and standards have provided Oman Customs with necessary guidance and information to develop and implement effective programs.

Oman Customs looks forward to strengthening the relationship with the WCO as the modernization and business improvement program continues. This year is the first time that Oman Customs has specifically celebrated International Customs Day.



  1. His Excellency Lt General Hassan Bin Muhsin Al-Shuraiqi (l), Inspector General of Police and Customs receives a WCO Certificate from Col Khalifa Al Siyabi, the Director General of Customs.
  2. Colonel Khakifa Al Siyabi,(c) the Director General of Customs walks His Excellency Lt General Hassan Bin Muhsin Al-Shuraiqi (r), Inspector General of Police and Customs through the newly established Customs History display.
  3. His Excellency Lt General Hassan Bin Muhsin Al-Shuraiqi (l), Inspector General of Police and Customs, recognizes Major Khalid Albakhit Kashoob for implementing Risk Management in the Directorate General of Customs.