National Time Release Study Workshop in Colombia

04 七月 2016

13 – 17 June 2016

Following a request for technical assistance by Colombia Customs, the WCO Secretariat conducted a Time Release Study ( TRS) Workshop from 13 to 17June 2016, in Bogota, Colombia. The workshop was supported by Eurocustoms funds.

The aim of this workshop was to assist Colombia to better understand the current WCO TRS methodology, and to build national capacity for the Colombia Customs Administration to conduct a future TRS in close cooperation with other stakeholders involved in the cargo clearance process.

As part of the program, the WCO visited the El-dorado international airport, located in Bogota. During the visit, the WCO officials together with participants had the opportunity to be familiarized with the Customs clearance processes, including the inspection process conducted in one public warehouse.

To demonstrate clear commitment towards conducting a TRS in the near future, Colombian trade stakeholders who participated in the event drafted a roadmap that will be utilized to guide Customs and other stakeholders to successfully achieve the desired result..