The WCO has published the 80th edition of WCO News, the Organization’s flagship magazine aimed at the global Customs community.
This edition features a special dossier on illicit trade which gathers together articles focusing on the trafficking in various commodities such as cultural goods, small arms, fisheries products and pesticides, as well as articles highlighting the tools and technologies that can contribute to enhancing Customs enforcement capabilities.
Readers will also benefit from articles on how pollen analysis (palynology) has become an essential Customs forensic and intelligence tool in the United States, the challenges in accurately quantifying the illicit trade in tobacco, and why publishing time release study results is advantageous.
The magazine is published and distributed free of charge three times a year, in February, June and October, and is available online or in paper format.
If you do not want to miss future issues of WCO News, you are invited to fill out the online subscription form.