The WCO and Ghana Revenue Authority Affirm Satisfactory Result of Support under the WCO-WACAM Project

28 三月 2016

The WCO undertook a monitoring mission on the support provided to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) in the framework of the WCO-WACAM Project, funded by Sweden, from 15 to 17th of March 2016 in Accra.

The WCO and GRA took stock on the progress realized by GRA in the fields of stakeholder engagement, human resource management and strategic management since May 2015, which marked the last project input in-country.

The parties noted with satisfaction that visible and tangible results have been achieved in the field of stakeholder engagement, which were achieved – among others - through the regular consultations held by the Joint Consultative Committee at the Kotoko International Airport in Accra. In a digital world, the WCO particularly acknowledged the initiative of this committee’s Members to use a social media platform to establish restricted communication and enhance the information flow among them to quickly solve operational issues.

Concerning human resource management, the GRA has informed the WCO that it has undertaken some preliminary modernization and reform efforts in this area but it would benefit from the WCO-WACAM Project support, especially in devising a roadmap for the implementation of competency-based Human Resource Management policies, processes and tools to align with the WCO Framework of Principles on Customs Professionalism.

In the area of Strategic Management, it was apparent to both parties that the GRA has made substantive progress in the field of strategic planning. The GRA, however, has expressed its wish to associate the WCO for the development of its next strategic plan and on project management matters to ensure the effective implementation of the future strategic plan.

Based on this monitoring mission, the WCO has made some proposals and recommendations to the GRA for the cooperation under the WACAM Project in 2016.

For more information about this mission and the WCO-WACAM Project, please contact the WCO-Sweden Programme Director, Richard Chopra (