Senior officials of the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community (CPLP) develop a joint Strategic Plan and set out their Vision for the next five years

11 五月 2016

The WCO organized a workshop in Lisbon, Portugal, 19th – 22nd April, on Strategic Planning for selected representatives from the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community/Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP). The workshop was funded by China Customs through the Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF China).

The event was hosted by Portuguese Customs. Ms. Ana Paula Raposo, Deputy Director General of Customs, opened the event by outlining the critical importance of the work to be undertaken by the group. Representatives from Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique participated in the event along with the Director Generals of Guinea-Bissau and São Tomé e Prìncipe. The working group was expertly supported by the CPLP Secretariat who helped steer discussions and documented all the key outputs.

During the workshop, the participants formulated a draft Mission and Vision for the CPLP. They were then guided through the steps of strategic planning and resource mobilization. Intensive group work sessions and plenary presentations and discussions led to the consolidation of a draft strategic plan with goals, objectives, results and activities.

The draft Strategic Plan is to be presented to the High-Level CPLP Customs Working Group at their 11th meeting in São Tomé e Prìncipe in May 2016. Next step will be for the working group to develop a business case to present to potential donors with a view to secure funding for priority activities. . When finalized, it is to be used to inform the preparation of a Business Case to be submitted to the international donor communities.

For more information please contact Edilson Pedro Soares Buchartts,