WCO supports JICA Trade Facilitation Project in the Eastern Africa Region

24 五月 2016

The WCO Capacity Building Director, Ernani Checcucci, attended the 6th Regional Joint Coordination Committee meeting for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) project on capacity development for international trade facilitation in the East Africa region. The meeting was held in Dar es Salaam on 19 May 2016 and was chaired by Commissioner General of the Tanzania Revenue Authority, Mr. Alphayo Kidata.

Commissioners General and Commissioners of Customs from the region were informed about the development of the project, including the highlights and results of capacity building for Customs administrations, the One Stop Border Post (OSBP) project component, and capacity building for Customs clearing and forwarding agents. They exchanged views on these developments and other relevant questions, such as security issues including API/PNR; the digital economy and revenue, data analysis; and data accuracy.

Director Checcucci emphasized the longstanding cooperation between the WCO and Japan Customs with respect to capacity building, referring to the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the WCO and JICA in 2015, as well as the WCO/JICA joint project on development of transit guidelines. He explained that the two partners are now negotiating a new platform for further cooperation. In addition, he promoted the Mercator Programme, aimed at supporting Members to implement the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, emphasizing his strong intention to enhance Members’ engagement through dialogue.

In conclusion, the Director re-affirmed the WCO’s continued support to Members through its various tools, instruments, expertise and resources, in order to achieve the goals set.