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Mali Customs strengthens its Human Resource Management System by adopting a competency-based approach

04 一月 2017

As part of its reform policy, Mali Customs decided to begin the process of modernizing its Human Resource Management (HRM). The top authorities are well-aware that the success of reform initiatives depends on modern HRM.

Thanks to the continued support provided by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and a number of donors, Mali Customs has developed a modern training and competency development strategy including e-learning courses, a career development system and a policy to promote integrity.  Several obstacles, both internal and external, have, however, been encountered along the way in implementing these modernization initiatives.

This mission took place in Bamako between 21 and 25 November 2016 as part of the WCO’s WACAM Project and had two main objectives. First, to carry out a diagnostic test of HRM using the WCO’s HR diagnostic tool. Second, to give momentum to the HRM modernization process by creating solid foundations for a modern competency-based HRM system.

Over the course of this mission, the Mali Customs HR modernization team finalized and approved the jobs catalogue, the competency framework and a number of job descriptions. The capacity building sessions allowed all members of the project team to take ownership of the competency-based approach to developing HRM tools.  An action plan, to be used as a roadmap, was also devised and presented to the Steering Committee.

For additional information, please contact the WCO WACAM Project Manager, Mr. Richard Chopra (richard.chopra@wcoomd.org).