27 六月 2017
The WCO successfully facilitated a national workshop on Post-Clearance-Audit (PCA) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the 12 to 16 June 2017 following a PCA Diagnostic completed in February. This workshop was organized under the framework of the HMRC-WCO-UNCTAD Programme with the financial support of the United Kingdom through Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
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26 六月 2017
Global Customs community marks the 2017 International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
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22 六月 2017
The World Customs Organization (WCO) recently facilitated a Workshop on Advance Rulings for SACU Members.
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22 六月 2017
The World Customs Organization (WCO), with financial support from CCF Japan, organized a National Workshop on Rules of Origin for Cameroon Customs.
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21 六月 2017
WCO held the National Training for Nigeria’s National Committee on Trade Facilitation (NCTF), on 12-16 June 2017 at the WCO Regional Training Centre for West and Central Africa, Abuja Nigeria.
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21 六月 2017
This edition features a special dossier on the use of collective action to fight corruption and how it can apply in the Customs context, and includes both country-specific experiences as well as the views of Customs’ partners. It also puts a spotlight, in its focus section, on the WCO Mercator Programme, the capacity building programme designed by the WCO to assist governments in implementing the Customs trade facilitation measures outlined in the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation.
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21 六月 2017
The 7th edition of the WCO knowledge Academy opened its doors on Monday 19 June 2017 to more than 150 participants for a one-week intensive training targeting Customs and trade professionals, at the WCO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. At the end of the week, a field trip is organized, with the support and close collaboration of Belgium Customs at the port of Antwerp.
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20 六月 2017
Update of the Comparative Study on Preferential Rules of Origin
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20 六月 2017
With the sponsorship of the Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund, a WCO National Workshop on the Revenue Package with focus on the Harmonized System (HS) 2017 was held at the headquarters of the Samoa Customs Service in Apia, Samoa, from 13 to 16 June 2017.
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20 六月 2017
The WCO held a National Workshop on the WCO Data Model (WCO DM) from 12 to 16 June 2017 in Karachi, Pakistan with the financial support of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) Fund. The objective of the workshop was to assist the Administration with mapping its Web Based One Customs (WeBOC) system to the WCO DM.
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16 六月 2017
After three days of invigorating discussions on the latest trends and the emerging developments in the world of border and IT supply chain management, the 2017 WTO IT Conference & Exhibition was concluded on 9 June. The announcement by Secretary General Mikuriya that the WCO has decided to make the source code of the WCO Customs Targeting System (CTS) publicly available and that it will be placed on an open source before the end of 2017 was very well received by the participants of the conference and extensively relayed through social media.
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16 六月 2017
As part of the West African Customs Administrations Modernization (WACAM) Project, funded by Sweden, a Capacity Building Workshop on the planning of inter-agency enforcement operations was held in Conakry, Guinea, from 15 to 19 May 2017.
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16 六月 2017
On 15 June 2017, Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya addressed the ASEAN Brussels Committee (ABC), which comprises the Brussels-based Ambassadors and senior officials of the ten Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Committee is currently chaired by the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam, His Excellency Mr. Abu Sufian Haji Ali.
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15 六月 2017
With the sponsorship of EUROCUSTOMS, a WCO National Workshop on the modernization of the Customs Laboratories in Azerbaijan was held, from 12 to 14 June, in the premises of the WCO Regional Training Center of Baku (Azerbaijan). The Workshop was facilitated by a Senior Technical Officer from the WCO´s Tariff and Trade Affaires Directorate and by Mr. Alessandro Proposito from the Central Directorate for Chemical Laboratories of Rome (Italy).
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15 六月 2017
A National Workshop on Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) was conducted in Minsk, Belarus from 15 to 19 May 2017, which was organized by the WCO and sponsored by the Chinese Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF/China).
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15 六月 2017
During the week of 5 June, the World Customs Organization delivered its Eleventh Strategic Trade Control Enforcement Training event since the Programme was launched in July 2016.
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15 六月 2017
Participants at a recent Workshop on Customs Valuation and Revenue Package acknowledged that strengthening cooperation between Customs and Tax administrations was one of the key areas for improving valuation controls and effective revenue collection.
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14 六月 2017
The WCO Harmonized System Committee (HSC) held its 59th Session at WCO Headquarters in Brussels from 15 to 24 March 2017. The decisions taken by the HSC during this session have now been published on our website.
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14 六月 2017
A WCO Sub-regional Workshop on Technical Update of Rules of Origin for ASEAN Member Customs Administrations was conducted from 5 to 9 June 2017, in Bangkok, Thailand. It was carried out in close cooperation with the ASEAN Secretariat and the Thai Customs Department.
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13 六月 2017
At the invitation of the G20 German Presidency, WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya attended the G20 Africa Conference, held in Berlin, Germany on 12 and 13 June 2017. The Conference was opened by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the presence of a number of Presidents and Ministers of Finance of African countries as well as heads of international organisations. The main points that emerged from the keynote speeches in relation to Customs work were economic growth, domestic resource mobilisation, peace and security and capacity building.
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13 六月 2017
Following an invitation by school teachers from a primary school in Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus, a representative of Cyprus Customs met with 6th grade students on 6 June 2017 to brief them during a lesson that was being given on the illicit trade in antiquities.
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12 六月 2017
At the invitation of the Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority (FRCA), the WCO with the support of Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund conducted a ‘National Workshop on the SAFE Framework of Standards (FoS) and Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programme’ from 5 to 8 June 2017 in Suva.
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12 六月 2017
The WCO successfully conducted a five day workshop from 22nd to 26th May 2017 at Nairobi, Kenya to review and develop a new regional risk management strategy pack for the EAC Customs Region.
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09 六月 2017
With sponsorship of FRONTEX (EU) led Eastern Partnership IBM Capacity Building Project, a WCO National Workshop on the classification of goods in the Harmonized System (HS) and the role of the Customs Laboratory was held in Kiev, Ukraine.
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09 六月 2017
Following an invitation from the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA) and in line with the National Mercator Implementation Plan for Ethiopia, the WCO undertook a Risk Management Diagnostic in Addis Ababa on the 28th of May to the 2nd of June 2017.
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08 六月 2017
Under the auspices of the INAMA project (supported by the US State Department, Sweden, GiZ and the CITES Secretariat) the WCO conducted a five-day mission in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) to make in-depth diagnostics about the capacity of the Burkina Faso Customs administration to enforce the CITES Convention.
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08 六月 2017
At the end of May 2017 the WCO launched its national Customs Enforcement Network (nCEN) application in the second country of the European region, in Ukraine.
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08 六月 2017
The Second Regional Conference of Donors in the WCO West and Central Africa (WCA) region was held in Lomé, Togo on 1 and 2 June 2017. It was attended by representatives of 20 Customs administrations from the region and by various development partners.
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07 六月 2017
Having benefited from a People Development Diagnostic mission from the WCO in July 2016, the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has since embarked on the implementation of an ambitious yet critical HRM modernization roadmap with the support of WCO-WACAM Project, funded by the government of Sweden.
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07 六月 2017
The WCO IT Conference and Exhibition 2017 opened doors to over 500 delegates from more than 80 countries in Tbilisi, Georgia from 7 to 9 June under the theme “The Power of Data”.
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06 六月 2017
Following an invitation from Jordan Customs Department (JCD), the WCO successfully completed a Time Release Study (TRS) workshop in the MENA RTC/Amman-Jordan from 14 to 18 May 2017 with a financial support from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) fund.
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05 六月 2017
The WCO organized a global Accreditation Workshop for Post-Clearance Audit (PCA) Technical and Operational Advisors at the Regional Training Centre in Shanghai, China from 22 to 26 May 2017.
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05 六月 2017
At the invitation of Mr. Alwyn Nicely, Permanent Secretary of CCLEC, WCO Deputy Secretary General Sergio Mujica attended the 39th CCLEC Conference held in Miami, United States, from 23 to 25 May. Twenty-six Heads of Customs and senior delegates participated in the Conference, as well as representatives of several regional and global international organizations. The meeting was organized under the theme “Digital partnerships in a connected world”.
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01 六月 2017
Annexes I – B to III – B (impact of HS Amendments on rules of origin) and Appendix (presentation) have been added to the ‘WCO Guide for Technical Update of Preferential Rules of Origin’ to improve the usability of the Guide.
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01 六月 2017
Building on the successful strategic planning forum held in Alexandria earlier this year which was attended by the ECA Commissioner and Senior Executives to identify a clear vision, mission and strategic objectives, ECA conducted the second and final planning workshop for its General Management team and relevant senior staff in Cairo from 16-18 May 2017.
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01 六月 2017
Within the framework of the Capacity Building Programme, the World Customs Organization (WCO), with financial support from CCF Korea, organized a National Workshop on Rules of Origin for the Palestinian Customs Administration.
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