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Enhancement of cooperation with Turkmenistan

15 十月 2018

On 12 October, Secretary General Mikuriya met, at WCO Headquarters, wth a high-level delegation from Turkmenistan, led by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, His Excellency Mr. Rashid Meredov.

Discussions focused on enhancing cooperation and increasing Turkmenistan’s involvement in the work of the WCO, with particular emphasis on connectivity at the border between Customs administrations to facilitate trade, transport and travel, as well as to protect society from the threats posed by illicit trade and transnational crime, including terrorism. The use of modern technology, international best practice and the importance of skilled human resources in Customs were all emphasized.

Minister Meredov highlighted the progress made in his country for the promotion and facilitation of international trade with the recent inauguration of the new international Caspian Sea port of Turkmenbashi.   

The Secretary General welcomed the renewed engagement of Turkmenistan and said that the WCO stood ready to provide assistance to the Customs Administration as it advanced with its modernization programme.

It was agreed that the dialogue initiated on this occasion would be followed up through the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Brussels and the Customs Administration in Ashgabat.