COLIBRI launches its online training programme

31 八月 2020

Successful implementation of the first COLIBRI National Online Training Course in Uruguay in July 2020 and two online training courses planned for Argentina and Colombia in September 2020

The COLIBRI Project is designed to improve coordination and information sharing in order to develop the capacities of Customs officials and their partners in the fight against organized crime and illicit trafficking, to strengthen the rule of law and, in so doing, to contribute towards sustainable development and peace.

This initiative emphasizes the importance of implementing modern risk analysis, targeting and control techniques.

The Project’s planning and capacity building component has been affected by the current COVID-19 worldwide health crisis, and, as a result, any planned training courses were postponed whilst project activities were reshaped in order to minimize the effects of the pandemic and advance the implementation of the project and its training element.

The training course has been designed to be delivered in two phases: the first phase is provided online and focuses on theoretical aspects; the second practical phase will be conducted on-site as soon as the global situation allows. The theoretical part of the training includes, among other elements, the following modules: Introduction to General Aviation; Respect for Human Rights in Control Action; The International Normative Framework; General Aviation Infrastructures and Legal Requirements; General Aviation Activities; Communication Systems and Procedures in Air Operations; and Risk Indicators.

The online design of the theoretical part of the training, totalling 20 hours of teaching spread over two weeks, was completed in time for the delivery of the training to begin in July 2020. The trainers consist of a group of experts who are collaborating with COLIBRI and are actively involved in the publication of the General Aviation Surveillance and Control Pedagogical Manual.

The first national online training course was successfully delivered to Uruguay between 20 and 31 July 2020. The course brought together 37 Uruguayan officials from Customs, the Air Force, the National Police, DINACIA and the National Prefecture. The training course proved to be very productive, and, despite being held online, the forum allowed the expert trainers and participants to engage in discussions and debates that provided a greater understanding of the topics covered.

The first two-week course was only possible thanks to the commitment of the administrations, participants and expert trainers whose excellent work helped make this activity a resounding success.

The COLIBRI team hope to be able to resume face-to-face training very soon as a complement to the Project’s training programme, but, for the time being and in the light of the ongoing global health crisis, online training is the only available means of disseminating the theoretical knowledge on which the practical part of the training will be based, both on the ground and in person.

The COLIBRI experts will gather again in September for two online training sessions: the first one for Argentina and the second for Colombia.