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WCO supports Kyrgyzstan on Advance Rulings for Customs valuation

28 一月 2020

The World Customs Organization (WCO) organized, with the support of the Customs Cooperation Fund of Eurocustoms, a national workshop to assist Kyrgyzstan Customs in the development of an Advance Rulings system for Customs valuation.  The workshop was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan from 20 to 22 January 2020 and was facilitated by a WCO Accredited Expert Trainer of the National Customs Board of Latvia.  Twenty mid-level Customs officers participated in the workshop.

In her opening remarks, the Head of Department of Educational-Methodical work of the Training Centre of Kyrgyzstan Customs Administration emphasized the importance and benefits of implementing the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA) and thanked the WCO for its support.  Issuance of advance rulings for Customs valuation is recommended in the TFA.

During the workshop, the participants learnt about and applied the tools and instruments developed under the Revenue Package related to the implementation of an advance rulings system.  On the final day of the workshop, based on the Diagnostic Tool on Tariff Classification, Valuation and Origin Work and Related Infrastructure of the Revenue Package, the participants prepared a list of action points regarding the development of an advance rulings system for Customs valuation.