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A Virtual Post-Clearance Audit Study Visit to the Central Customs Authority of the Federal Republic of Germany for the State Customs Committee of Uzbekistan

20 十二月 2021

The SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), under the auspices of the WCO Mercator Programme, held a Virtual Study Visit between the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Uzbekistan and the Federal Republic of Germany in the area of Post Clearance Audit (PCA) from 14 to 16 December 2021.

This virtual study is part of the overall support provided by the GTFP to the SCC to develop a PCA scheme fully compliant with international best practices. With this objective in mind, the WCO experts are guiding the development of the PCA procedures within the SCC, in collaboration with other partner Customs Administrations, to improve the capacity of PCA Officers taking other best practices as an inspiration.

This three-day visit, provided an opportunity for the SCC to benchmark its current progress with another country, allowed the SCC lead officials and PCA officers to strengthen their capacities, this time considering the German experience on the implementation of a PCA Unit.

The results of this productive mission, on one hand, provided the SCC with an international best practice to serve as an aspiration for the further development of the PCA practices in the SCC and on the other side, allowed the German Customs experts to share their skills, expertise and experience on that particular topic. In addition, the reference to the AEO programme succeeded in further deepening the understanding of the common basic concept of Customs Business partnership and the framework for trader compliance management.

The WCO experts presented to the SCC a comprehensive list of recommendations for further strengthening its PCA capabilities, commended the progress achieved thus far and emphasized the importance of ownership and commitment by the Customs administration for a sustained and continued success.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.