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The comprehensive review of the Revised Kyoto Convention embarks upon a critical Consultation Phase under Step 4 of the Four-step framework

07 十二月 2021

The 27th Meeting of the Revised Kyoto Convention Management Committee (RKC/MC) was held from 29 November to 3 December 2021. Over 140 Participants representing about 84 Contracting Parties to the RKC and 15 Observers from international organizations, academia, and stakeholders joined the online Meeting.

In his opening remarks, the Director of the Compliance and Facilitation Directorate, Mr. Pranab Kumar Das welcomed and congratulated Kyrgyzstan as the 129th Contracting Party to the RKC, in which he was joined by other Members.

This RKC/MC meeting kicked-off with Step 4 of the Four-step framework and initiated the Consultation Phase, the main aim of which is to discuss the potential draft text formulated in consultation with the proponents and interested Members during the intersessional period. For the 27th RKC/MC meeting, discussions were mainly held on the potential draft text relating to the 17 concepts and its 68 components of the General Annex (GA) of the RKC that qualified through Step 3 of the Four-step framework. Over the five-day meeting period, the RKC/MC was able to discuss about 40 potential draft texts concerning the GA. These texts were largely concerning concepts on data issues, advance cargo information, electronic payments and declarations, perishable goods, authorized economic operators, security, Customs control, publication, post clearance audit, and advance rulings. 

The 27th RKC/MC meeting decided to continue with the Consultation Phase, as well as to discuss further the potential draft text relating to the GA, during the intersession. Since the comprehensive review of the RKC has entered into a critical phase, the meeting urged all Members and Observers to provide their full commitment and to actively participate throughout the process.

The next RKC/MC will be held from 7 to 11 March 2022.