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WCO Data Model (DM) version 3.11.0 available now in interactive mode free of charge

22 十二月 2021

The Data Model Projects Team (DMPT) is committed to producing annual releases of the WCO DM in order to keep the DM up to date. A transparent maintenance procedure was put in place to enable interested parties to request changes to the WCO DM. The publication by the WCO of version 3.11.0 in December 2021 marks the culmination of the maintenance process undertaken by the DMPT in its meetings held from September 2020 to April 2021.

In addition to incorporating changes requested by Members through the regular maintenance procedure, version 3.11.0 introduces two new Message Implementation Guides (MIGs) – for implementing the IMO Compendium and WCO-UPU Joint Message Standards.

The MIGs offer practical guidance and additional technical information useful for implementation of the DM, in addition to the semantic definitions available in the Base Information Packages (BIPs) and/or Derived Information Packages (DIPs).

The IMO MIG includes technical information for implementing ship reporting formalities outlined in the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL Convention). This MIG is the result of the joint efforts of the WCO and the IMO in updating the IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic Business.

The UPU MIG contains technical information relating to primary electronic message formats, namely CUSITM, a message for a postal operator to transmit mail item information to its local Customs authority, and CUSRSP, a message to respond to a CUSITM message.

Unlike the previous versions where the WCO DM was made available on the WCO Members’ website in a downloadable format, version 3.11.0 of the WCO DM is being released on a new publication platform: the WCO DM app. This app interactively displays WCO DM components and aims to enhance the user experience of working with the WCO DM. In so doing, it helps users navigate through different WCO DM data objects, such as classes, data elements and information models, more easily.

In accordance with the Council Decision of December 2020, the WCO DM package published in the DM app is available free of charge to all interested parties, including Members, partner international organizations and private-sector stakeholders. All those interested in accessing the WCO DM will be able to take advantage of the app after accepting the WCO DM use terms and conditions. The app is accessible at http://datamodel.wcoomd.org.

Making the WCO DM free of charge opens up new possibilities for economic operators to incorporate the WCO DM into their commercial operations. Economic operators may consider aligning some of the data elements of their commercial documents, e.g. invoice, packing list or bill of lading, especially those relevant to cross-border procedures, to WCO DM specifications. Such an alignment will enable a smooth flow of information throughout the different steps in supply chain processes; re-use of available data by various supply chain parties, particularly regulatory agencies; track and trace; access to supply chain data from multiple sources; and, increased predictability and data quality.