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WCO launches CECAC Project two-week training course to support Pakistan Customs with enforcement

15 二月 2021

As part of the World Customs Organization (WCO) Customs Operational Practices for Enforcement and Seizures (COPES) Programme, the WCO has launched the Customs Enforcement Curriculum for Assistant Collectors (CECAC) Project, aimed at assisting Pakistan Customs in building its capacity to enhance security and combat serious crime, particularly by preparing Pakistan’s future senior officers to address the challenges ahead.

The first official training related to this project was a two-week pilot training course for 23 Assistant Collectors from Pakistan Customs, held from 9 to 19 February 2021.

This event opened with a speech by Mr. Syed Muhammad Tariq Huda, Head of the Customs Administration of Pakistan, who expressed his appreciation to the WCO and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) within the United States Department of State (U.S. DoS) for their efforts in implementing the CECAC Project.

Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the WCO, then took the floor to reiterate his support for the Project and his confidence that it would fulfil the objectives set. Dr. Mikuriya also expressed special thanks to the U.S. DoS - INL for its financial support and expertise on the ground. Finally, Mr. Robert Silberstein, Consul General at the United States Consulate General in Karachi, encouraged Pakistan Customs to continue its efforts in combating fraud and fighting cross-border crime, with a clear focus on border control from now on.

After a welcome address by Mr. Khoso, Director of the Customs Training Centre of Pakistan’s Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), the training commenced with a presentation on the COPES Programme followed by a presentation outlining the CECAC Project and, finally, an introduction to the COPES Team, COPES Experts and participants.

When the training concludes on 19 February 2021, it is hoped that some of the lessons learned will feed back into the design of such training courses, so as to continuously improve their expected outcomes.

For more information on the COPES Programme and CECAC Project, please contact COPES@wcoomd.org.