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WCO completes two virtual diagnostic missions for the implementation of the Basel Convention’s plastic waste amendments

27 一月 2021

Two virtual diagnostic mission were conducted by an integrated team consisting of Enforcement and Facilitation staff of the Compliance and Facilitation Directorate with the Indonesian Directorate General of Customs and Excise (11 to 15 January 2021) and the Philippines Bureau of Customs (18 to 22 January 2021).

The Asia Pacific Border Management Waste Project aims to strengthen the response of various Asia Pacific Customs Administrations to effectively deal with legal imports of plastic waste, to mitigate the threat of illegal plastic waste shipments, and to sensitise the Administrations on the Basel Convention’s plastic waste amendments that became effective on 1 January 2021.

Self-diagnostic questionnaire were completed by the two Customs Administrations, and were  followed-up by detailed engagements by the WCO Secretariat with the Administrations. Various areas were covered, such as the strategic approach to waste and plastic waste specifically, legal requirements, procedures and facilitation of legal consignments, the mitigation and enforcement of illegal consignments, supporting policies, and capacity building.

As an outcome of the project, detailed implementation plans will be presented to the two Administrations. In addition, a regional workshop on plastic waste will be held in 2021. At this workshop, issues of common interest relevant to plastic waste will be discussed, including a regional strategy on plastic waste for Customs, a training framework, as well as future enforcement activities.