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Mozambique Customs receives assistance to enhance its capacity for detecting and confiscating sub-standard and counterfeit products

22 七月 2021

The WCO Secretariat organized a virtual workshop for the Customs Department of the Mozambique Revenue Authority from 6 to 8 July 2021, aimed at examining enforcement strategies related to sub-standard and counterfeit products and, more specifically, at enhancing Mozambique Customs’ capacity to detect and confiscate illicit medicines and medical supplies related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

WCO Secretariat experts presented the following recently-developed tools to the 27 workshop participants: “Training Handbook on Legal and Practical Measures Against Offences Relating to Intellectual Property Rights” and “IPR Self-Assessment Tool”. The experts also told participants how to sign up for and use the “IPR CENcomm” platform, a communication tool enabling users in different countries to exchange intelligence, messages and alerts via secure channels.

In addition, representatives of seven intellectual property right (IPR) holders, including four pharmaceutical companies that have produced COVID-19 medicines and vaccines, joined the training for one day to explain how to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit products.

The workshop organizers also encouraged participants to build strong networks and relationships among themselves, with participants enjoying ample opportunity to share their experiences and to get to know each other better.

The workshop was funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund of Japan, through which the Government of Japan supports capacity-building activities led by the WCO Secretariat.