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Strategic Planning Remote Workshop for the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Uzbekistan

12 七月 2021

As part of the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) and under the auspices of the WCO Mercator Programme, the WCO Team conducted a Remote Workshop on Strategic Planning to Customs officers of the State Customs Committee (SCC) of Uzbekistan, between 28 June and 2 July 2021.

The objective of this mission consisted in building capacities of the SCC on strategic planning and performance measurement, with a specific focus on the development of their Customs strategic plan.

In addition to the capacities newly acquired by the SCC, the workshop gave the opportunity to review the overall Customs reform and modernization plan and identified next steps towards developing the SCC strategic plan. Furthermore, the GTFP team shared its main findings and provided the SCC recommendations on the way forward, which includes building a strategic map, containing concrete strategic objectives, as well as defining Key Performance Indicators.

For more information on the GTFP, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org