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The WCO Virtual Working Group on Gender Equality and Diversity discusses monitoring and evaluation

06 七月 2021

WCO Members of the Virtual Working Group (VWG) on Gender Equality & Diversity  (GED) gathered through an online meeting on the 1st of July to discuss monitoring and evaluation of gender responsive and inclusive policies and practices.

The meeting provided an opportunity for representatives from 20 Customs administrations (Argentina, Brazil, European Union, Guatemala, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya – ROCB, Liberia, Maldives, Morocco, New Zeeland, Peru, Thailand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda and USA) to  discuss how to effectively monitor gender equality and diversity initiatives within Customs.

A presentation was shared on how to set up a monitoring and evaluation framework, linking it to the process of implementing gender mainstreaming. The benefits of using the WCO Gender Equality Organizational Assessment Tool (GEOAT) as a monitoring tool to assess the current state of play of the implementation of GED initiatives was addressed, while also recognizing its limitations in assessing the achievements of these initiatives. Participants were also provided an introduction to the key elements of conducting a gender analysis, as a first step of implementing gender mainstreaming. An update on the ongoing work with the development of the WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism was also provided and the potential contribution of the VWG to reflect the aspect of gender and diversity.

Four Customs administrations (Iceland, Indonesia, Israel and USA) shared practices on how their respective administrations are monitoring and evaluating gender equality and diversity initiatives against established objectives, action plans or strategies. The examples covered for instance topics such as achievements of reaching increased gender balance or diversity in the workforce or in executive management position, monitoring the access to career development opportunities or trainings to ensure equal opportunities, and the achievements of work life balance initiatives or consideration of specific needs for employees and stakeholders with disabilities.

For more information, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org