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Virtual Train the Trainer Workshop for STCE expert trainers

16 七月 2021

The Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Programme organized a virtual Train the Trainer workshop for pre-accredited and fully accredited expert trainers in the field, in order to provide them with the necessary skills and tools for the delivery of the curriculum to remote audiences.

The workshop consisted of two different parts. Part I was held from 7 to 9 July 2021 and, with the help of external experts, focused on techniques, methodologies and useful suggestions on how to successfully deliver a training in the virtual world, while part II consisted of two sessions, held on 14 and 15 July, aimed at familiarizing the participants with the new STCE online curriculum developed by the STCE Programme in the past year, and providing them with the possibility to test the skills and knowledge gained during part I.

The 14 participants coming from as many Customs Administrations actively participated throughout the whole course and showed a strong interest in the subject, highlighting the fact that it is as important to train the experts’ delivery skills as it is to insure their knowledge in the field. Conducting a capacity building event in a live environment is in fact very different than conducting it via a virtual platform, especially when it comes to engaging the audience and capture its attention and interest.

The STCE Programme is happy to acknowledge the success of the event and hopes that the WCO expert trainers will be now better prepared to use the virtual tools at their disposal to efficiently convey the importance of strategic trade control across the different regions of the world. Security threats keep existing and evolving and it is therefore pivotal to use the means we have as best as we can in order to ensure the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 and combat the illicit trade of Weapons of Mass Destruction.