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Sub-regional STCE Risk Management webinar in Spanish

22 三月 2021

The WCO Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Programme continues its virtual capacity building activities dedicated to strengthen Customs abilities to fight illicit trade of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and related items.

Following the first STCE Risk Management webinar for all Customs Administration having already received a national STCE training, held October 2022, and a second risk management and targeting focused webinar in Russian for Administration in Central Asia and the Caucasus in preparation for the upcoming Regional Cosmo Operation, a third similar event has been delivered. This time, the webinar was addressed to Latin American Customs Administrations (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Panama and Paraguay) who have national Strategic Trade Control national systems, to build on previous Strategic Trade training provided by WCO and other international donors.

During the first day of the webinar, after the WCO Risk Management tools and the Spanish national experience were presented, an interactive session allowed the attendees from 6 Customs Administrations to provide their own point of view and the different characteristics of their local systems. On the second day WCO accredited Expert Trainers from Spain, Chile and Argentina provided the 15 participants with interesting and challenging case studies.  On the final day, the participants had the opportunity to test their skills and knowledge during a Risk Management exercise.

The STCE team received a very positive feedback for this event, as testified by the comment from one participant: “Thank you, I will complement my daily tasks with what I have learned in this training, from the perspective of analysis on foreign trade operations and physical inspection or inspection in the operational field”.

The WCO STCE Programme keeps receiving more requests from members for trainings and risk-management focused webinars to be held in different languages, and it is working to fulfill them. The WCO STCE Programme has many Spanish-speaking accredited Experts and its training materials available in Spanish. For more information on the Programme, or if you would like to request a Spanish language national training please contact WCOSecurityProgramme@wcoomd.org. In the short term, we are glad to announce that the first STCE training in the Portuguese language is planned to be held from 27 to 30 April 2021.