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WCO Workshop on Advance Rulings for Customs Valuation for Turkish Customs

17 三月 2021

The World Customs Organization organized, with the support of the ROCB Europe Funding, a national Workshop on Advance Rulings for Customs valuation for the benefit of Turkish Customs.  The workshop was held virtually from 1 - 5 March 2021 and was co-facilitated by a WCO Accredited expert and a WCO recognized expert, both from China. 

The objective of this workshop was to assist the Turkish Customs in the preparation of an Advance Rulings System for Valuation by sharing the WCO relevant guidelines as well as member countries’ experience in this regard.  The participants, from the Valuation and Taxation Department Headquarters, were members of a working group on advance rulings for valuation established by Turkish Customs.

The facilitators emphasized the advantages of providing advance rulings on Customs valuation for both Customs and the trade.  The importance of a well-organized valuation infrastructure and effective valuation practices were also highlighted. Presentations were made with respect to instruments contained in the WCO Revenue Package, especially the Technical Guidelines on Advance Rulings for Classification, Origin and Valuation, as well as practices of various Customs authorities including China Customs in this area.

As a result, the participants gained a general knowledge about the establishment and implementation of valuation advance rulings system, and used this to develop and present a draft action plan for setting up an Advance Rulings System for Valuation, including a series of action points in relation to legislative framework, requirements and procedures, timelines, publication, compliance management, rulings database and capacity building for staff.

The draft action plan will be submitted by the participants to their top management for further consideration and represents a significant step in the development of an Advance Rulings System for Valuation in Turkey.