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Successful launch of the 10th WCO Fellowship Programme in Spanish

18 五月 2021

The Deputy Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO) opened the WCO Joint Fellowship Programme, 81st – 84th session intended for Spanish-speaking officers, this May 17, 2021. This programme, funded by the Customs administration of Japan and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Korea, brings together 12 fellows from the following administrations: Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Honduras, Morocco, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Sao Tome & Principle.

This first part of the 81st - 84th Joint Fellowship Programme, lasting 3 weeks, will be delivered entirely remotely and online. As for the other components (namely, the part devoted to the management development and the field study trip within a partner administration), they will be delivered face-to-face and scheduled as soon as the health and travel restrictions will allow it.

The fellows will benefit from a series of lectures given by WCO experts and will conduct an in-depth study on a technical topic of their choice, which they will prepare under the supervision and guidance of a WCO tutor. This research work will include recommendations for their respective administrations for possible implementation.

This programme is part of the WCO's initiatives to develop the organizational and operational capacities of member administrations and to support their customs reform and modernization programmes. It is designed to enable promising young managers from Member administrations to access and become more familiar with the WCO standards, tools and instruments, as well as to train themselves in supervision and management techniques, in order to assist them to carry out reform and modernization within their respective administrations in a dynamic and sustainable manner.