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WCO A-CIP Programme kicks off in the Americas region with a first coordinators meeting of eight new beneficiaries

28 五月 2021

On 20 May 2021 a virtual meeting with its eight new beneficiaries from the Americas region was organised by the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme. Over 40 delegates from Antigua & Barbuda, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico and El Salvador attended and shared recent successes and challenges in their respective fights against corruption.

The expansion of the WCO A-CIP Programme to the Americas is made possible with funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC). During the opening remarks both WCO Deputy Secretary-General, Ricardo Treviño and the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the Organization of American States, Hugh Adsett, stressed their mutual commitment to this programme.

Over the next 36 months experts under the WCO A-CIP Programme will work with the 8 beneficiary Customs administrations to strengthen initiatives to fight corruption and promote integrity. This work contributes to implementation of national commitments to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, and complements parallel activities also supported by Canada such as the WCO and UNODC’s Container Control Programme.

During the closing remarks all beneficiary countries and the WCO acknowledged the importance of the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration, fight against corruption, safeguarding of integrity and enhancement of good governance measures.

For more information, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.