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Integrity: Customs of Burkina Faso strengthen their organizational culture

19 十一月 2021

From November 8 to 18, nearly fifty Customs officers from Burkina Faso had the opportunity to participate in the WCO Anti-Corruption and Integrity Promotion (A-CPI) Programme workshop on Organizational Culture and Integrity.

This remote activity contributes to support the efforts of the Customs of Burkina Faso to develop an organizational culture based on integrity and aligned with their strategic and operational objectives. The selected participants are involved in change management, anti-corruption and integrity promotion. They were able to identify the components of an efficient organizational culture and to appropriate good practices and tools for organizational change in line with the administration’s 2017-2021 reorganization and strategic plans. These align with reform and modernization initiatives.

To meet the challenges of the culture of integrity, as well as the changes underway and to come within the Customs of Burkina Faso, conversations and contributions focused on strengthening organizational capacities, particularly in terms of management, service management and communication, both internally and externally.

The WCO A-CPI Programme is currently supporting more than 20 countries in the five WCO regions with funding from Norad and Canada.

For more information, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.