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The GTFP delivers a Private Sector Engagement Workshop for the Customs Administration of Serbia

03 十一月 2021

Under the umbrella of the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP)’s activities in Serbia, the GTFP Team delivered a Private Sector Engagement Virtual Workshop to the Customs Administration of the Republic of Serbia (CAS) from 26 to 28 October 2021.

The comprehensive three-day programme aimed to provide increased understanding of the Article 2.2 of the WTO TFA and to guide the CAS on the establishment of a consultation mechanism. During the workshop, the GTFP presented the results from the survey conducted among the private sector representatives in Serbia as a showcase on the value of hearing the voice of the stakeholders.

This mission gave the WCO experts the opportunity not only to promote the benefits of engaging with the private sector, but also to raise awareness on the available WCO tools and instruments on customs-business partnership. This workshop was the first of several related activities that ultimately aims to culminate the development of a Customs to Business Forum or an alternative form of periodic consultation mechanism with the private sector as a means to stimulate the Customs-Business partnership in Serbia.

For more information on the GTFP, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.