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Enhancements and networking at the center of the discussions of the Fellowship Alumni reunions

26 十月 2021

A series of virtual Fellowship Alumni reunions has taken place in October 2021, gathering 141 former fellows from 62 countries.

These events were an opportunity for the Fellowship Alumni to reconnect and share some success stories of their participation to this renowned programme and of how they became actors of change within their own administrations. They recalled how they were certainly transformed into better individuals and professionals thanks to the Fellowship Programme (FP).

They have also been updated with some of the WCO’s topical initiatives, such as the Middle Management Development Programme, the Operations STOP, the COVID-19 Project, the progress of the Working Group on Performance Measurement, as well as some enlightening experiences from certain Members.

The exchanges and debates further explored how to enhance the FP and its impact on the recipients and their respective administrations. After discussing the shift in priorities during the pandemic context and how it affected their job tasks, the former fellows tackled the after-crisis measures that are being implemented.

Both the participants and the WCO Secretariat stressed the importance to sustain the Fellowship Alumni community and network, by continuing to provide other similar and regular networking opportunities.

For more information, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.