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The RKC/MC concludes Step 3 under the Four-step framework of the comprehensive review of the RKC

22 九月 2021

The 26th Meeting of the Revised Kyoto Convention Management Committee (RKC/MC) was held from 13 to 16 September 2021. Over 130 Participants joined the virtual Meeting via the KUDO platform.

This RKC/MC meeting mainly focused on progressing the review of the RKC with the goal of concluding Step 3 of the four-step framework. The ‘four-step framework’ is an approach comprising the submission of proposals and development of recommendations as Step 1; assessment of developed recommendations against the RKC, its Guidelines and other existing WCO instruments and tools as Step 2; consideration of developed recommendations against agreed criteria for possible amendment to the RKC as Step 3, and development of potential amendment proposals in line with Article 6 and 15 of the RKC as Step 4. 

At this Meeting, under Step 3 of the four-step framework, the RKC/MC discussed all 23 Concepts that progressed through under Step 2 and assigned various previously agreed criteria to each of the components of the proposals relating to Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), e-declarations, advance rulings, free zones, express/expedited shipments, Rules of origin, advance cargo information etc. As a result, the RKC/MC concluded Step 3 utilizing only one meeting.

Fruitful discussions took place regarding the way forward for Step 4 of the four-step framework, including the approval of the template to be used. With this, the Committee is set to commence Step 4 from the next Meeting where consultations on potential draft text would start. The RKC/MC aims to finalize the four-step framework by March 2023.

In his opening remarks, the Director of the Compliance and Facilitation Directorate, Mr. Pranab Kumar Das, congratulated Pakistan who has recently accepted 5 more Chapters in the Specific Annexes of the Convention. He also encouraged those Contracting parties that have not accepted Specific Annexes to examine and work on such acceptance.

The next RKC/MC will be from 29 November to 3 December 2021.