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WCO Trade Tools: The nomenclature of the HS 2022 is now available online!

15 九月 2021

The new version of the Harmonized System Nomenclature will enter into force on 1 January 2022, but is already available for free on WCO’s database platform: www.wcotradetools.org.  

WCO Trade Tools is the new online database that encompasses the last five editions of the HS and functionalities to support international trade actors in the classification of goods and the determination of the corresponding Customs taxes and tariffs. The platform offers a single point of access to the Harmonized System, preferential Rules of Origin and Valuation, through a completely new, user-centric and ergonomic interface.

Accessible, free of charge, as of today on WCO Trade Tools, this 2022 edition introduces significant changes with more than 350 new entries covering a wide range of goods. Revised every five years to reflect the ever-changing trading practices, several high profile product categories were added and given greater visibility, such as edible insects, drones and e-waste.

Explanatory Notes and Classification Opinions will be published by the end of 2021. Once available, Explanatory Notes and Classifications Opinions will be readable online through subscription only.

Subscriptions and printed versions can be purchased on www.wcoomdpublications.org

(Developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and adopted in 1983, this is the Seventh Edition of this global standard, used by over 200 countries and Economic or Customs Unions (including the 160 Contracting Parties to the HS Convention) for classifying goods in international trade. Over 98% of merchandise in international trade is classified in terms of the HS.)