New A-CIP Programme Report featuring achievements and progress now available

14 四月 2022

The WCO has published a new Report featuring the progress of the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme since its inception in January 2019.  In addition to examples of how the Programme is making a difference in the more than 20 WCO Member countries that it directly supports, the Report highlights the wider reach of the Programme and the benefits that have already materialized for the WCO Membership as a whole.

These include: the new Integrity e-learning module, already completed by more than 3,000 Customs officials; a Remote Integrity Assessment Package that has been integrated into the recent enhancement of the Integrity Development Guide; the Customs Integrity Perception Survey (CIPS), a key and unique approach already being adapted by Members outside the WCO A-CIP Programme, as well as new tools and initiatives to support Internal Affairs and Corruption Risk Mapping in Customs that have been taken forward by the WCO Integrity Sub-Committee.

Upon the release of the Report, the WCO Secretary General emphasized the fact that the Customs-to-Customs cooperation at the heart of the WCO A-CIP Programme “guarantees that the WCO’s support remains practical, grounded in real-life practices and relevant to the Customs environment”.  And both donors of the Programme – the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the government of Canada – reiterated their support, praising the commitment shown by A-CIP partner countries and valuing the important work done by the WCO in the area of integrity.

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