WCO Working Group on Performance Measurement successfully concludes its 5th Meeting

21 四月 2022

The WCO Working Group on Performance Measurement (WGPM) held its 5th Meeting from 13 to 14 April 2022. The WGPM delegates elected Mr. Sean Borg, Director of the Trade and Anti-dumping Programs Directorate of the Canada Border Services Agency, as Chairperson of the WGPM for a one-year term and Mr. Youssef El Mazouri, Head of the Programming and Communication Division of the Moroccan Customs and Excise Administration, as Vice-Chairperson of the WGPM, also for a one-year term.

Mr. Ricardo Treviño Chapa, Deputy Secretary General of the WCO, welcomed the delegates to the Meeting and commended them for the outstanding work carried out to date in consolidating the deliverables of the draft Performance Measurement Mechanism (PMM) Package. He then highlighted the evolutionary nature of the future PMM: “Embedding the PMM on the basis of lessons learned and ongoing improvements rather than striving directly for the heights of perfection ensures that the mechanism is fit for purpose and takes into account regional differences and various expectations and capabilities. Therefore, the constructive approach and active contribution of Members’ administrations and their sharing of experience should be ensured for the benefit of all.”

The Meeting’s success was demonstrated by the high number of participants and the lively discussions, confirming Members’ keen interest in actively contributing to the establishment of the WCO PMM, which is already generating benefits for Customs administrations.

Key milestones were reached on several aspects, such as the KPIs to be provisionally included in the PMM version 1 as a result of the pilot, the decision to move gradually towards the development of further KPIs, and the agreement on developing the PMM data collection platform to ensure adequate analytical capabilities in support of the mechanism and its usability.

The draft Package and further deliberations of the 5th Meeting of the WGPM will be presented to the PC and Council for endorsement with a view to the sustainable continuation of the mandate of the WGPM.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Treviño Chapa expressed his appreciation for Members’ continued interest in and commitment to the further development of the PMM, outlining the need for evidence-based decision-making, both for national Customs administrations and for the WCO.