On 23 August, more than 40 delegates of the Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG), participated in a virtual welcome meeting for the new members of the group for the term 2022/2023. According to its Terms of Reference (TOR), the PSCG consists predominantly of businesses/manufacturers and associations.
The Deputy Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO), Mr. Ricardo Treviño Chapa, warmly welcomed the new PSCG members and went on to make a presentation on the WCO. He gave an overview of the WCO’s vision, mission, key functions, and activities and drew attention to the WCO Strategic Plan 2022-2025, which was approved by the June 2022 Council Sessions. He also commended the PSCG for its contribution to the WCO's work, and its active participation in WCO meetings such as the SAFE Working Group, the Permanent Technical Committee, and the Policy Commission, among others.
The chair of the PSCG, Jaime King, introduced the PSCG members to the ongoing work of the group, highlighting its main activities in the last term and inviting suggestions for topics that can bring added value to the WCO's work programme in 2022-2023.
PSCG members were invited to access the PSCG home page to get the latest information on the group’s activities.