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Strengthening the control and investigation function: a priority for Tunisian Customs in matters of integrity

09 十二月 2022

From 28 November to 2 December, Tunisian Customs, with the support of the WCO A-CIP Programme and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), held a capacity-building workshop on the topic of internal control.

Bringing together nearly 25 executives from the main Tunisian Customs entities involved in the 2020-2024 strategic modernisation plan, as well as the Next Generation Network (NGN) currently under development, the discussions focused on strengthening investigative and internal affairs management capacities in order to meet organisational challenges, support ongoing changes and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the WCO A-CIP Programme.

With the support of CBSA experts, the participants reflected on the optimisation of the step-by-step investigation process, and carried out a comparative analysis in relation to the organisational chart, the organisational culture and the best practices in terms of control and investigation.

In his closing remarks, Tunisian Customs Comptroller General recalled the importance of capacity building activities to strengthen prevention in the management of internal affairs, in order to meet the challenges of the fight against corruption and to promote an integrity approach internally and with the private sector. 

The WCO A-CIP Programme currently supports more than 20 WCO Member administrations, with funding from Norad and Canada. For more information, please contact: capacity.building@wcoomd.org.