WCO participates in the WEF Annual Meeting 2022

30 五月 2022

At the invitation of the World Economic Forum (WEF), WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya participated in the Annual Meeting 2022 held from 22 to 24 May 2022 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, where he met with global leaders, explained the critical role played by Customs and contributed to various sessions.

Under the overarching theme of "History at a Turning Point: Government Policies and Business Strategies”, more than 2000 public figures and global leaders met in person to enhance collaborative approach in tackling global challenges, including the global pandemic, the war in Ukraine and geopolitical economic challenges.  Secretary General Mikuriya addressed political and business leaders on the WCO’s focus on technology and innovation, Green Customs and circular economy as well as good governance. He emphasized the importance of a strategic approach to data, including quality and standardization of data to secure and facilitate the trade supply chain in the era of digital technology.

The high-level participants welcomed the WCO's input to the sessions and its collaboration through a range of initiatives.