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Malagasy Customs towards effective implementation of a transparent and competency-based HRM system

08 十一月 2022

As part of its reform and modernisation plan and following the activities of the HRM modernisation work plan, the WCO successfully conducted from 17 to 21 October 2022 in Antananarivo, Madagascar, an expert consultancy mission to support the multidisciplinary HRM project team in finalising the competency-based HRM tools and strengthening the capacity of the department in charge of HRM and training to act as a strategic partner. This mission was carried out with the financial support of the Accelerate Trade Facilitation Programme.

The main objective of this mission was to consolidate the efforts and progress made by the HR Modernisation project team, including the strengthening of their capacities in the principles of competency-based HRM and raising awareness of the steering committee on the importance of the HRM modernisation process and the importance of its commitment to its success and on the need to adopt an inclusive, participatory approach to change management and the launching of information and awareness raising campaigns targeting all stakeholders.

During this mission, the HRM working group (22 senior officials from the different Customs departments, including the trade union) worked with WCO experts to design the necessary competency-based HRM tools. This mission resulted in the finalisation and validation of the job catalogue, the repository and dictionary of competencies and the competency-based job descriptions for operational positions.

At the same time, the project team members were made aware of the change management approach and took part in the first communication and awareness-raising action, which targeted all the heads of the external customs offices to inform them of the objectives of the competency-based HRM implementation project and the progress made in its implementation.

With the commitment demonstrated by the top management and the HRM modernisation working group, the WCO, through the Accelerate Trade Facilitation Programme, is looking forward to continuing its partnership with Malagasy Customs to become a regional champion in the sub-region in the field of human resources management.

For more information on this mission and the people development programme, please contact Capacity.Building@wcoomd.org.