The WCO boosts organizational competence and integrity at the Customs Authority of Serbia (CAS)

05 九月 2022

The Customs Authority of Serbia (CAS) has identified as part of its strategic plan, the desire to improve its Revenue collection, Customs Procedures and Controls, Strategic Management and modernize its HR Management and Development, specifically in the areas of recruitment, promotional and rotation processes and integrity.

In support of the achievement of these goals, and under its flagship Executive and Professional Competency Based HRM Programme (EPCB-HRMP), with the financial support of the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP), the WCO successfully conducted a diagnostic review of the CAS’ current HRM system in combination with the delivery of a competency-based HRM workshop, to support the enhancement and effective implementation of a modern and transparent HRM system. This mission was delivered from August 29 to September 2, 2022.

This mission’s main focus was to equip and empower CAS (i) to establish the foundations for the roll-out of a modern, competency-based human resources management system based on WCO standards and international best practices; ii) to equip the HR Management team with the competencies required to effect these chances, and iii) to support the Customs Administration in developing Competency-Based Human Resources Management Tools as an instrument to promote integrity.

During this mission, the 19 participants who formed the HR Working Group were able to draft a Competency-based Job Catalogue which they will use in conjunction with an already established competency Framework and Dictionary to further develop their competency-based job descriptions. The commitment to modernize their HR management through developing and implementing a competency-based HR system will support CAS in managing and developing a transparent recruitment and promotion process, along with strengthening their integrity and anti-corruption policies.  In addition, CAS will be able to successfully promote and support integrity by having clear job descriptions to ensure they have the right person in the right position. CAS is committed to modernizing its HR Management and could ultimately position itself as a champion, both nationally and in the sub-region.

At the end of this mission, the Deputy Director General committed to supporting the HRM Working Group in (i) developing a realistic and measurable HRM modernization work plan and (ii) finalizing the design of competency-based HRM tools. On its side and keeping business continuity in mind, the WCO will pursue the remote support of its capacity-building services to the CAS working group, especially regarding the finalization and implementation of the competency-based tools.

For more information on this activity and the WCO People Development Programme, please contact