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Inaugural refresher course for WCO accredited and pre-accredited experts on Customs valuation

11 七月 2023

The WCO Secretariat organized an online refresher training event for the WCO accredited and pre‑accredited Customs Valuation Experts on the July 4, 2023. 

Four speakers gave presentations on topics ranging from royalties and license fees and ancillary charges in Customs valuation to transfer pricing.  In all, twenty-two participants joined the event, generating a wide variety of questions for the presenters. 

Experts were also able to familiarize themselves with the new WCO Accredited Customs Experts Portal.  This is a web-based platform that facilitates the WCO management and mobilization of subject matter experts from a global perspective, putting the experts at the centre by enabling them to use the new platform to manage their own profile and information.

Further, delegates learnt about the Secretariat’s plans to expand the cohort of experts, noting that six experts having recently successfully completed the second phase of their accreditation process.

Refresher training events play a key role in ensuring that the highest standards of expertise are maintained.  Together with the regular WCO capacity building missions and training undertaken through the regional training centres and national training, refreshers play and important role in helping Customs experts to stay up-to-date, fresh and focused, forging a strong base for Members.

The Accredited Customs Experts (ACE) programme is a major strength for the WCO, giving an unparalleled partnership between the Members and the WCO to create a strong capacity for growing expertise. This includes within the Customs Valuation field, where the ability to conduct eleven capacity building missions in the first half of the year would not have been possible without the availability of Accredited Experts to work alongside WCO Officers in conducting most of these missions. 

For more information, please contact val@wcoomd.org.