Kenya Customs strengthens its national pool of Rules of Origin trainers

08 六月 2023

The World Customs Organization (WCO), under the framework of the EU-WCO Rules of Origin Africa Programme, funded by the European Union, and in partnership with the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and the Kenya School of Revenue Administration (KESRA), held a national Train the Trainers workshop on rules of origin. The workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 29 May to 2 June 2023 with the objective to assist Kenya Customs in enhancing its knowledge and application of preferential rules of origin.

The Train the Trainers workshop was held in parallel with a national workshop on rules of origin for KRA and other governmental and private stakeholders.

In his opening remarks during the joint opening session for the two workshops, Dr. Bernard Baimwera, Dean of Studies, Kenya School of Revenue Administration, representing the Commissioner of Customs, thanked the WCO and the EU for their support in building capacity on rules of origin and stressed that the success of the African Continental Free Trade Are (AfCFTA) is based on rules of origin and the free movement of goods on the continent and that trade facilitation will help Africa rise. He also added that the partnership with the WCO bears benefits for the national Customs Administration, for the country as well as for the sustainable development of the African continent.

During the workshop participants worked on key concepts for proper origin determination and related operational and procedural issues mainly in relation to the AfCFTA. They also focused on communication and training skills which will enhance the capacity of Customs trainers to further cascade their knowledge to colleagues as well as to other relevant stakeholders including economic operators.

The EU-WCO Rules of Origin Africa Programme will continue its work with Kenya Customs to equip Customs officials and relevant stakeholders with extended knowledge for efficient implementation and application of rules or origin.

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