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Cambodia hosts a National Workshop, organized jointly with the WCO, on the Harmonized System

25 五月 2023

As part of its capacity building strategy and under the sponsorship of the Customs Cooperation Fund of Japan (CCF-Japan), the WCO has held a national workshop on the Harmonized System for Cambodia Customs. The Workshop took place in Phnom Penh, at the National School of Customs, from 16 to 19 May 2023, and was organized jointly by the WCO and the General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia (GDCE).

The workshop was facilitated by two experts from the WCO Secretariat, one WCO accredited expert on HS from Cambodia and one WCO pre-accredited expert on HS from Myanmar. It was attended by 25 officials, who represented a mix of officers who work on tariff classification related areas from various offices, including the Headquarters of Cambodia Customs.

The aim of the workshop was to improve classification skills of the participants in specific HS areas and explaining procedures related to the submission of questions to the HSC and active participation in the HSC discussions.

The workshop was opened by Mr. Se Sokhorn, Deputy Director General of GDCE, who thanked the WCO for its commitment to supporting Cambodia Customs. He encouraged the participants to take the opportunity to improve the technical works focusing on the uniform interpretation and application of the HS 2022 Nomenclature in Cambodia, as well as on the current classification work model in the country which have direct linkage on revenue collection.

The workshop was an opportunity for the pre‑accredited trainer to give a practical demonstration of her skills and knowledge as expert trainer on the Harmonized System. During the workshop, several cases of tariff classification were analysed in a variety of areas, such as food supplements, medical products, machinery, including high-tech machinery, and vehicles and parts of vehicles. There was also a presentation on the WCO guidance on how to submit a HS change proposal.

The participants presented the organizational structure and the various stages and functions involved in the work of tariff classification of goods in Cambodia. In addition, they highlighted the work of coordination that went on among the various departments and units of the GDCE in order to ensure that the HS was properly applied.

Mr. Sok Sovithyea, Director of Planning and Technique Department of GDCE, brought the workshop to a close. He again thanked the WCO for its unfailing support to its Members and for its assistance and capacity building activities for Customs officials, in particular in the area of the tariff classification of goods. He emphasized that, along the lines of its actions, the GDCE, following in the footsteps of the WCO, supported all capacity building activities for its officials.