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Charting the Path to Success: WCO Assists Antigua and Barbuda in Implementing their AEO Programme

16 五月 2023

From 8 to 12 May 2023, the World Customs Organization (WCO), with a financial support from Customs Cooperation Fund India (CCF-India), carried out a crucial mission in Antigua and Barbuda with the aim of assisting the Customs and Excise Division (CED) in implementing the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programme in line with the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards and Article 7.7 of the World Trade Organization's Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA).

Building upon the Antigua and Barbuda Mercator Diagnostic Report conducted by the WCO in December 2018, this mission served as a follow-up to transform the CED into a modernized Customs organization. The diagnostic report had highlighted the need for capacity building among CED officers to successfully introduce the AEO programme.

Throughout the week, the WCO expert engaged in productive sessions with various units within the CED, including representatives from IT, post-audit, accounts, tariff, risk management, bond, research and training, as well as field units. Additionally, meetings were held with key private sector participants such as the Antigua and Barbuda Chamber of Commerce, along with government agencies like the Port Authority, Statistics Office, and Health Department. Deliberations were also conducted with the Comptroller of Customs and other senior officials.

During these sessions, participants were introduced to the SAFE Framework of Standards, the requirements and benefits of the AEO programme, stakeholder engagement strategies, communication methodologies, and AEO validation techniques. This approach facilitated the establishment of channels to enhance partnerships between Customs, businesses, and other government agencies. Valuable input was gathered regarding the AEO requirements and the benefits desired by businesses, ensuring that these were incorporated into the development of the AEO rollout. Use case examples were discussed to illustrate how Customs operations would evolve with the implementation of the AEO programme.

A significant outcome of this mission was the creation of the initial draft of AEO requirements and benefits, marking the starting point for the programme. Furthermore, recommendations were provided for establishing an AEO action plan and developing a communication strategy to effectively manage the AEO implementation process.