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Enhancing Competencies and Process Mapping in Honduras Customs Administration

24 十月 2023

A workshop aimed to improve the Internal Affairs Unit and build related competencies of the personnel for the Honduras Customs Administration was conducted from October 2nd to October 6th, with the participation of a dedicated team of 14 officials. The event was developed and delivered under the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, tailored to address specific needs identified by Honduras Customs. A key component of the workshop was a process mapping exercise related to internal affairs processes.

The workshop took place during the "Moranzanica week," a vacation period, but the participants exhibited an exceptional level of dedication and eagerness to enhance their knowledge and skills.

WCO Member experts from the Ministry of Finance of Spain (MoF) and the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil (RFB) facilitated the event in Tegucigalpa. The workshop welcomed officials from strategic areas linked to the internal affairs activity.

The facilitators adopted a strategy of delivering brief informative sessions followed by open discussions. This approach allowed individuals to not only absorb knowledge but also to actively participate and express their opinions freely. It encouraged critical thinking and independent analysis, empowering participants to shape the direction of the discussions. In addition, it created a collaborative atmosphere where diverse perspectives could be shared and debated, enriching the learning experience. The methodology promoted a sense of ownership among the participants, making the lessons more relevant and applicable to their experiences and challenges.

The WCO A-CIP Programme currently supports more than 20 countries in five WCO regions. It receives funding from Norad and Canada and focuses on anti-corruption and integrity promotion in customs administrations.

For more information, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.