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The Republic of Kosovo becomes the 76th Contracting Party to the Convention on Temporary Admission

23 九月 2024

On 18 September 2024, the WCO Secretary General, Mr. Ian Saunders, in his capacity as the depository of the Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention), received the Instrument of accession of the Republic of Kosovo. The Instrument of Accession was presented by His Excellency Mr. Agron Bajrami, Ambassador of Kosovo to the Kingdom of Belgium in the presence of Mr. Agron Llugaliu, the Director General of Kosovo Customs.

The Istanbul Convention is an international instrument that combines all existing conventions on temporary admission. The ATA system, which is integral to the Convention, allows the free movement of goods across frontiers and their temporary admission into a Customs territory with relief from duties and taxes. These goods are covered by a single document known as the ATA carnet that is secured by an international guarantee system.

With this system, the international business community enjoys considerable simplification of Customs formalities as the ATA carnet also serves as a goods declaration at export, transit and import. The ATA carnet is now the document most widely used by the trade for international operations involving the temporary admission of goods.

The ATA system facilitates the flow of goods at borders, enabling Customs authorities to concentrate scarce resources elsewhere. Not only does the system facilitate trade, it also contributes to more efficient border management.