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WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism to Support Evidence-based Assessment in Palestine Customs

05 九月 2024

Between 2 - 4 September 2024, under the aegis of the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme, and with funding from Norway, WCO Experts met with Palestine Customs officials to support the development of evidence-based assessment and decision-making process in line with the WCO Performance Measurement Mechanism (PMM)

In view of the establishment of an evidence-based assessment and developing the data-driven performance measurement culture, Palestine Customs officials reflected on the methodology to initiate the indicators for measuring expectations, drawing on indicators available within the WCO PMM. The active discussions and practical exercise tied the lessons learned to specific expected outcomes and indicators to be addressed in the strategic documents of Palestine Customs with the ultimate objective to ensure integrity, accountability and good governance.

The WCO A-CIP Programme provides technical assistance and capacity building support to WCO Member administrations implementing integrity-related initiatives in line with the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration.

For more information, please, contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org