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Career Development Programme

NEW - WCO/Japan Career Development Programme (2025/2026) – Invitation

The Career Development Programme is an initiative launched in 2009 by the WCO, in cooperation with Japan Customs. It provides an opportunity for selected candidates, known as Professional Associates (PA), to undertake work at the WCO Secretariat for 10 months.

Aims of the Programme:

  • To enable participants to obtain knowledge, skills and international work experience;
  • To enhance networks among WCO Members and the Secretariat;
  • To strengthen the Secretariat in the delivery of its mission and tasks;
  • To develop a pool of highly competent officials with Customs expertise.  

Since its launch, over 115 Customs officials from different developing countries across the WCO’s six regions have benefited from the Programme. It has served to promote the involvement of WCO Members, especially those in which neither of the WCO’s two official languages is widely spoken, in various WCO activities.

According to feedback, former Professional Associates have been contributing positively to their administrations and regions on their return home, including acting as a liaison point between their administration and the Secretariat. 

The nomination process is set out below:

  • December - invitation letters sent to developing countries
  • March - deadline for submission of nominations
  • May - selection process undertaken
  • June - results notified to candidates
  • September - Programme year commences

WCO-Japan Career Development Programme Brochure

 CDP Brochure   The Brochure provides detailed information on the Programme and its achievements since the inception in 2009.

WCO-Japan Career Development Programme Alumni Reunion

On the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of the World Customs Organization (WCO), the WCO-Japan Career Development Programme (CDP) organized a reunion of its alumni. During its eight years of operation, the Programme has given 65 Customs officers from 45 different countries the opportunity to work at the WCO as Professional Associates (PAs).

The former PAs submitted projects in order to be considered for an invitation to the reunion. Their projects were evaluated by the Senior Management of the WCO and the Donor, and winners were identified in 3 different categories.  During the celebration of the WCO 65th Anniversary the WCO Secretary General Mr. Kunio Mikuriya and the Director General of Japan Customs Mr. Mikio Kajikawa handed prizes to the winners who are:

  • Mr. Genti Çani from Albania - category Best Photo,
  • Mr. Yousef Qora'an from Jordan - category Best Video,
  • Ms. Rossana San Juan from Uruguay - category  Best Essay,
  • Ms. Nasreen Nawaz from Pakistan – special award from Donor.

Forty former PAs representing 33 WCO Member administrations attended the reunion.

Best Photo

Genti Çani, Albania

"Sakura Blossom - It might take time, but your career will bloom anyway"

Best Video

Yousef Qora'an, Jordan

Best Essay

Rossana San Juan, Uruguay


This essay uses the example of how bamboo grows  to showcase the experience of Customs officers as WCO Professional Associates. Through patience and a strong desire to achieve new professional heights, it is possible to experience the Programme to the fullest...

Special Award

Nasreen Nawaz , Pakistan


The artistry of a great training programme is to inspire its trainees to persist with their professional development, and enrich them with pride, passion, motivation and self-confidence […]. The best the world has to offer stems from the best you have to give to others…